are from my justfinished seventh book of poetry . 書き終えたばかりの 7冊目の詩集からです
13 tanka (thirty-one syllable poems ) are found in volume 18; ten choka (long poem ) and their 21 hanka (tanka appendage to a choka ) in volumes 6 and 9 are indicated that they ' appear in a book of poetry by tanabe no sakimaro .' 巻18に短歌13首があり、巻6・巻9にある長歌10首とその反歌21首は「田辺福麻呂の歌集に出づ」とある。
it is said that at the bureau of education , he majored in myogyo-do (the study of confucian classics ), and learned chunqiu zuoshi zhuan (master zuo ' s commentary about the spring and autumns ), moshi (the book of poetry in ancient china ), and shosho (classics of history ). 大学での専攻は明経道で、春秋左氏伝、毛詩、尚書等を学んだと伝えられる。
he had written " soro bunshu (collection of anthologies of soro ), " " soro shishu (a collection of poetry by soro ), " " kinran shishu ," " materials for poetry of tang dynasty ," " book of japanese poetry ," " summary of rongo analects ," and " moshi (the book of poetry in ancient china ) sho ." 『草廬文集』・『草廬詩集』・『金蘭詩集』・『唐詩材』・『日本詩冊』・『論語詮』・『毛詩證』などを著した。
according to the notes in manyoshu , there had been some other anthologies before manyoshu , such as " kokashu (collection of old poetry ), " " kakinomoto no hitomaro ' s collection ," " kasanokanamura collection ," " takahashi no mushimaro ' s collection of poetry ," " book of poetry of tanabe no sakimaro ," " ruiju-karin (collection of poetry ), " etc ., but none of them has survived . 万葉集の注記によると、万葉集以前にも『古歌集』『柿本人麻呂歌集』『笠金村歌集』『高橋虫麻呂歌集』『田辺福麻呂歌集』『類聚歌林』などがあったとされるが、現存していない。